Kütahya Central Balıklı Neighborhood pafta 16, ada 87, parcel 9 is also located next to the Balıklı Bath. in 1381, during the time of Suleyman Shah, the Uzbek Water Head from the Germiyan umera was mainly repaired. minberi and double serefeli minaret were built by Salih Mehmet Efendi in 1642. The tomb of Salih Mehmet Efendi is located at the bottom of the minaret. it was almost rebuilt by the son of Kavaf Hacı Mustafa in 1800, it was repaired once again with the contributions of the people and under the guidance of Chief clerk Ali Efendi during the time of Mutasarrıf Ahmed Fuad Pasha, known for his many services and works, in 1897, and after that it came to these days with minor repairs. The mosque, which is under the ownership of the General Directorate of Foundations, is open for worship today.