The structure consists of basement, ground floor, and first floor. Traditional Turkish House showing the plan and facade characteristics of the structure based on the architectural and plan characteristics of the 19.the end of the century is is dated to the beginning of the century. The upper floors of the building, which is built in the plan feature with an internal sofa, are reached by a wooden staircase with an “I” plate on the sofa. In terms of facade features, the facade facing the main street of the Traditional Turkish House plan building is the most mobile facade, while there are three-sided exits in one direction on the left and right of the facade, and the interior has taken the form of a square plan with a mitre exit in the middle section. The exits are on the side of the hand, the front is activated by supporting. The structure is entered through a wooden single-wing door under the exit on the left. Stone, adobe and wooden materials are also included as the main construction materials.